Emusement Card

Looking to check an old emusement, Easter Sale, or ride card balance?

If you are looking to check the balance of an old Emusement or Ride Only Card, please either:

  • Call 732-295-4334, Monday-Friday from 10:00am to 5:00pm, and have the number on the back of the card ready
  • Visit the Jenkinson's South Arcade, open daily at 11:00am, to get your old card quickly scanned by one of our arcade associates
  • OR click on the button below to conveniently check your balance. Use this tool to check the balance of your old Emusement or Ride Only Card. Simply enter the card number from the back of your card to see your remaining balances.
boardwalk bounce card at jenkinson's boardwalk

Boardwalk Bounce Cashless System

Exciting news!  Coming in 2025, the attractions associated with Jenkinson's South will be implementing a new and improved cashless system, drastically improving the guest experience while visiting the boardwalk. Do not worry - your old and existing credits still never expire, even with our new cashless system! Also, the dollar amount on our credits is remaining the same, so there is no value lost! You will be able to start using your Boardwalk Bounce Card next time you visit the boardwalk!